.GOV Top-Level Domain

The .gov domain is reserved exclusively for U.S. government entities at the federal, state, and local levels. It serves as an official and trusted online space for government operations and public services.

Type: Sponsored TLD
Introduced: 1985
WHOIS Server: whois.dotgov.gov
Average Pricing: Not available
Restrictions: Registration is restricted to U.S. government entities at the federal, state, local, and tribal levels, as well as some intergovernmental organizations.

Additional Information

What is a Sponsored TLD?

A sponsored top-level domain (sTLD) is a specialized domain with a sponsor representing a specific community. In this case, .gov is sponsored by the U.S. government for official government use.

Fun Facts

.gov was one of the original top-level domains established in the early days of the internet.It was initially managed by the Defense Information Systems Agency before being transferred to the General Services Administration in 1997.In 2020, the DOTGOV Act was passed to enhance the security and trustworthiness of .gov domains.

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